Artwork of 15 Brisbane artists with disability go on display at St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital during Disability Action Week (13-19 September) – with public viewing shifting to a virtual exhibition. The 69-piece exhibition, titled Dreams, was created during Brisbane’s COVID-19 lockdowns earlier this year.
Drawing on various inspirations, the exhibit will showcase the range of emotions Queenslanders felt during COVID-19 lockdowns.
While the hospital is currently closed to visitors, St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital Gynaecologist and Honorary Art Curator Dr Philip Hall said he was excited to have the colourful artworks brightening hospital corridors.
“Hospitals can often be known as sterile environment but we know that art in a healing environment leads to wellbeing in patients and staff,” Dr Hall said.
“We have been supporting Outsider Artist exhibitions here at the hospital for 12 years and this one is an incredible kaleidoscope of colour.
“This is a visual feast for our staff and patients and we can’t wait to share the art with our visitors once our doors are open again.
“In the meantime, I encourage everyone to get online and experience the Dreams art gallery for themselves, Dr Hall said.”
Brisbane-based artist Carol Chapman who joined the workshop after she was medically terminated from work due to a traumatic brain injury said the exhibit helped her to find her voice.
“Art is communication without words,” Carol said.
“As someone who lives with a communication disability, art allows me to truly express myself and engage in the community.”
Adapting to COVID-19 restrictions, the artists used Zoom to keep in touch and participate in Access Arts workshops to create their artworks and reimagine what a COVID-style exhibition could look like.
The online exhibition will allow viewers to interact and purchase artworks (with proceeds going to the artists) from the comfort of their own living room. In partnership with St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital, the original artworks are hung along the walls of the hospital until February 2021.
To view the exhibition visit: