As a war memorial hospital, the St Andrew’s community commemorates ANZAC Day in recognition of the service and sacrifice of others in defence of our country.
With the cancellation of ANZAC Day commemorations due to the COVID-19 pandemic this year, a service was held from the hospital Chapel which was televised to patient rooms, General Manager Mairi McNeill laid a wreath at the flagpole while her son Aidan played the bagpipes.
In Mairi’s message, she shared letters from Private Frank Moore, aged 23, Labourer from Brisbane to her grandmother Lottie in 1916.
HMS Hawkes Bay April 26, 1916
Dear Lottie
I am writing you this letter in case you do not get the first one I wrote to you. We are not supposed to close our letters up before Censor passes them.
Well have been having very rough weather up till today, now you could not wish for better weather for travelling. I nearly got washed away. Yesterday I was waiting up on deck with a lot more for the doctor to come and before we knew where we was a big wash came up over the deck and took nearly everything before it. Some of the chaps got washed off their feet and only for the railing going along the side of the ship, I am afraid there would have been a few washed overboard. I managed to keep my feet or else I would have been the same.
Dear Lottie, I have not used the handkerchief that you gave me yet and my intentions are to bring it back just the same as you gave it to me.
Egypt June 5, 1916
Dear Lottie, I am leaving Egypt tonight for another land. I suppose I am keeping you pretty busy in reading all the letters I send you. I have decided to bring you something back with me so as I can make sure you will receive them, Yours truly Frank Moore.
Rollestone Camp, Sailsbury Plain UK, July 24, 1916
Dear Lottie, just a few lines to let you know that I am still living. I was out on the range shooting two days last week. That makes three days of shooting I have had. Once at the Rifle Range in Egypt and here so I don’t think I need to growl about not getting enough shooting need I. I see two more of my brothers has joined the colours. So if you or your mother happens to run across anyone by the name of J H Moore or W D Moore just ask them what they think of the Khan. I remain yours truly Frank Moore.
Dear Lottie, just a note to let you know that I am off over to France this week. I expect to on Tuesday 8th August so by the time you receive this I will be in action. I am leaving nearly all my mates behind but I hope to see them follow on close behind me. I am in the very best of condition so I am pleased to know that I am going to have a hard try to do my little bit for King and Country. I do not know of very much news, the next time I write it will be telling you what I think of France. I have not received any letters from you as yet. I have been looking out every week but I have always been disappointed. I remain your most truly Frank Moore.
London May 18, 1917
AIF 52nd Battalion Frank Moore
Now reported Killed in Action September 4, 1916
Pte Frank Moore, your brothers and all the men and women who work to defend this country, we thank you.