When you join the St Andrew’s Graduate Nurse Program, Bernie is one of the first people you’ll meet.
She is our Graduate Program Coordinator, a Clinical Nurse Educator in our Emergency Centre, Medical ward and Day Infusion Unit, and coordinates Vascular Access Education and Training.

Bernie started her career in nursing as a registered nurse in emergency and completed a Graduate Certificate in Critical Care in 1998 to specialise her skills.
“As an emergency nurse, I learned valuable leadership, communication and critical thinking skills, while also expanding my nursing knowledge,” Bernie said.
For more than eight years, as a clinical nurse educator at St Andrew’s, Bernie has had the privilege of educating and sharing advice gained through her vast experience with the next generation of nurses.
“Providing the graduates with hope and encouragement about the progress they are making is extremely important, especially when it comes from nurse leaders and mentors,” Bernie said.
“Coaching our graduate and novice nurses is a responsibility that all professionals in nursing share, and it’s a privilege and a responsibility I don’t take lightly.
“The contributions we make to coaching and mentoring our future generations of nurses as they transition to practice has a much longer and more profound impact than anything else we do as healthcare professionals.”
Learn more about the
St Andrew's Graduate Nurse Program.