Executive team

Chapel 2


Mairi McNeill

Mairi McNeill commenced as General Manager of St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital in December 2018. Mairi is an experienced healthcare executive who has worked in the private industry for more than 23 years, and who has been a member of an executive team for the past 18 years.


Steve Croxford

Steve Croxford joined St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital as Director of Corporate Services in 2022. Steve is a Certified Practicing Accountant and has held senior finance positions across various industries including both private and public health sectors. He was also elected to the Mercy Super Board as Member Director in 2021.

Director of Medical ServicesDIRECTOR OF MEDICAL SERVICES

Dr Michael Gillman

Dr Michael Gillman has been working at St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital since 1992. Michael is a fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and an affiliate member of the Australasian Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine (AChSHM). He has worked in various roles within St Andrew’s, including medical education and business development, and is currently Director of Medical Services.