Centres of Excellence

St Andrews War Memorial Hospital Staff Woman

Patient safety and care

St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital is accredited by the Surgical Review Corporation as a Centre of Excellence in Orthopaedic Surgery. The accreditation is testament to our multidisciplinary team and highly skilled specialists, and validates our commitment to providing safe, high-quality care for our patients, and culture of continuous improvement.

Patients can trust the Surgical Review Corporation's gold seal to identify healthcare providers who deliver excellence in patient safety and care. The requirements of the accreditation have been proven to improve outcomes and reduce the time spent in hospital by patients.

Our Centre of Excellence

To achieve accreditation, St Andrew’s has undergone a rigorous, unbiased assessment to ensure we meet nationally and internationally recognised standards of excellence. The assessment evaluates surgical volumes and experience, treatment pathways, consultative services, equipment, patient education and support groups available.  

St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital is an accredited:  

Benefits of Centres of Excellence

Surgical Review Corporation accreditation indicates:  

  • Patient safety: Patients can feel reassured that SRC-accredited providers follow best practices and prioritise their wellbeing throughout the surgical process. 
  • Quality assurance: SRC is a recognised and reputable safety organisation that accredits healthcare providers based on stringent standards and guidelines. 
  • Expertise and training: Education, training and experience of accredited surgeons are evaluated to ensure they possess the necessary qualifications. 
  • Continuous improvement: SRC accreditation is not a one-time assessment but an ongoing commitment to quality improvement. 

Note: Surgical Review Corporation accreditation is not a guarantee of a specific outcome or experience. To understand the benefits and risks specific to your condition and overall situation, please discuss any procedure with your treating doctor. 

What is the Surgical Review Corporation?  

The Surgical Review Corporation is an internationally recognised, non-profit, patient safety organisation that administers best-in-class accreditation programs for medical professionals, surgeons, hospitals and other healthcare facilities. SRC believes that even the best can improve. Excellence is not simply an achievement but a culture that must be sustained.

Centres of Excellence in the UnitingCare hospitals family 

St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital is proudly part of UnitingCare, which operates one of the largest not-for-profit private hospital groups in Queensland. Other Centres of Excellence in the group include: