Event schedule

* There are currently no events scheduled.   


Please watch this space for future event announcements. 

An Evening with Samuel Shem

SAM SHEM web slider

You are invited to attend an exclusive dinner hosted by UnitingCare Health along with special guest and famed author of The House of God Samuel Shem. 

Samuel Shem, pen-name of Dr Stephen Bergman, will share with guests his personal and professional life journey and successes thus far.

Limited signed copies of Samuel Shem's novels will be available to purchase on the night.

The House of God
(1978) was recently named by the esteemed medical journal The Lancet, as one of the two most important American medical novels of the 20th century.

Event details

Saturday 15 October 2016
6.30pm for 7pm
Plaza Level P9-11, Brisbane Convention Centre
Paid parking available at venue

Ticket price: $150.00pp

Click here to book or call Jayne Kidd on 07 3893 1988.


4 category 2 RACGP points are approved for attendance at this event.

​St Andrew's War Memorial Hospital is recognised as a QI&CPD Accredited Provider with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP).